
Kakapo Pura, up close and personal. Photo: Tristan Rawlence

Pura, up close and personal

Up Close and Personal

It's a parrot that looks like an owl, or a giant budgie.

Once out in the open, the Kākāpō will reveal its large size, and the startling mottled moss-green body feathers that provide perfect camouflage in New Zealand's native forest. The softness of the feathers are represented in the second part of the scientific name – Strigops habroptila.

The Kākāpō is a bird out of time. If you look one in its large, round, greeny-brown face, it has a look of serenely innocent incomprehension that makes you want to hug it and tell it that everything will be all right, though you know that it probably will not be. ― Douglas Adams

A closer encounter will reveal that thick, musty Kākāpō smell. Strong and distinctive, the odour alerts dogs, cats and other predators to the presence of the bird and was a primary cause of the Kākāpō's rapid decline.

People are captivated by the un-birdlike behaviour of this critically endangered parrot. Its waddling gait, curiosity, wide range of calls, and comic antics meant that the Kākāpō was even occasionally kept as a pet by early settlers.

Youtube. Meet the Locals: Sirocco the kākāpō uploaded by Department of Conservation, 23 August 2019, https://youtu.be/3fjaHZQJ7dk.